Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is soil composition and texture?

soil is composed of mineral and organic matter.

mineral components are small particles of rock, derived from the underlying rocks, and brought in from nearby areas by the rivers

the organic matter is vegatable and animal remains in a state of decomposition ( called humus)

The texture is dependant on the size of mineral particles, and corresponding airspaces, clay being the smallest, sand being largest.What is soil composition and texture?
Usually the important things for gardening are

A). Is the soil loose and can run through you hand, (a bit like chunky sand) or does it stick together (can you squash it into a ball, like a snowball)...This is texture.

B). has the soil got enough nutrients in it and does it have a lot of acid in it or not (Garden centres sell testing kits) This is composition.

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