Friday, January 8, 2010

Does anyone else on here stare at their ceilings and try to find secret messages in the texture?

Gawmight, I'm weird!!! lol.. I didn't know what category to put this under so I like put it in w/e.. lmaoDoes anyone else on here stare at their ceilings and try to find secret messages in the texture?
I don't look for secret messages exactly but I do pay attention to images I see when I look at random textures because I figure that's MY brain making sense out of nothing and those images must be coming from some part of me. For example, if I look at the clouds and see foods, I know that it must be getting close to mealtime, even if I'm not feeling hungry yet.Does anyone else on here stare at their ceilings and try to find secret messages in the texture?
Not just at my ceiling.In clouds, wood texture also, the list goes on! And I see faces all the time!
Only if you on some kind of drugs. We have better things to do than stare at the ceiling or wall.
sure... the question is do you do it with your head upside down to enhance the dizzness or do you do it more upright and straight?
I can make stuff out usually but the only time I really have any interest in the ceiling is when I'm tripping.
I just see images in the texture. It's not so weird. Everybody does it.

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